The Glow Program: The Magic of Embodied Manifestation

An Online Course with Jennifer Posada

When I was 20 years old, a single vision changed my life…

A vision that came spontaneously one night showed me that I had been a Sexual Priestess in other lifetimes and forever changed my sense of my destiny in this one.  In that vision I was shown how we used embodied magic to manifest our lives.  Because of that one vision, I have been exploring memories of how we healed and tapped into our powers of manifestation in those times ever since…

These are the kinds of visions and teachings we need to have the radical change we are looking for in our lives while we are here on this earth…the spark in the dark that starts a true fire of transformation.  The kind of transformation we are longing for in our lives, and for the world.

In 20 years of teaching many thousands of people all over the world one thing has become most clear to me…what we all want is to feel the magic again in life, in our innate soul gifts and abilities, and in love.  We want to remember how to glow.

How to become the true magical creature that we are, and have that glow utterly shift our lives…

We want to tangibly feel the magic we remember somewhere deep inside from other times, here…now…in this world…

I have been working on this course for many years, allowing all my most magnificent teachings about manifestation and magic to culminate, and finally I heard the voice just the other day saying, it’s time.  It’s time for the Glow Program to come to life.  And for you dear and beautiful soul it is time too…it’s is time for your glow to come back, for your radiance and magnetism to come back and to forever change your life…

If you are weary from manifestation courses or teachings that don’t seem to yield fruit, consider one that teaches you to embody manifestation…the results of which people will be able to see on your face, and you will be able to see in the mirror.  The results of which will start from within, and be experienced first in your body before they ripple out into your life…which will allow you to finally feel and know the power of your abilities to manifest.  From there nothing short of miracles become possible in your life.

In this course, we will learn the practices to increase your magnetism, the laser-clear focus to direct it, and the surrender to let the blossoms of your life unfurl and open.  We will also dive deeply into what it means to have the openness and trust to allow the merging of your plan on both the conscious and soul levels.  You will be able to feel and know the power of your abilities to manifest because of the physical transformation you are already undergoing.  From that experience, like having taken new form as a butterfly, the rest of the experience of your life cannot help but to change.  And with this course, you’ll have crystal clarity about exactly the ways you want it to

One of the things that makes this manifestation course different is the connection with healing sexual energy.  It is the largely untapped and most powerful resource for manifestation.  We have been systematically turned away from and made to be wary of this source of power, but turning toward it is the key factor and missing catalyst that is needed to alchemize your abilities to know your magic, experience your glow, and transform your life…

The Six Sessions…

How to Glow: Awakening from the Slumber

Even if you have a fair amount of glow in your life, compared to what we are capable of this process may feel like awakening from a slumber…and it may especially feel that way if we have been going through hardship.  Glow can be found from any state, and in this session we will talk about how, and begin our practice…

Your Five Desires & Your Personal Glow Practice

This is where we begin the distillation and bright ignition of our crystal clear desires, and begin to learn the practice to bring them into our realities.  We learn to find and hone this clarity, and home in on the center of our life design.  We learn to deepen our practice to really begin the manifestation process now that our desire is so clear…

The Flower that Blossoms Forever:  How to Tap into Arousal to Manifest

Now we add fuel to the fire.  We add the missing piece…a piece that shifts our physiology, and then our lives.  This is the great catalyst that carries profound secrets of magic that have been long hidden and forgotten.  Learn the ways that arousal increases your magnetism and intensifies and potentizes your soul’s greatest gifts…

The Serpent Who Knows Everything:  Your Primal Knowing

We begin to understand how embodied magic brings about visions, knowingness and inner direction like we’ve never before known.  As if other dimensions of life and the universe are opening themselves to us, and we can be more certain than ever of our guidance…

Orgasmic Magic: The Flow that Transforms your Life

In this session we enter into the mystery and magic of orgasmic states, flow states that can be accessed by pleasure in many ways and which can bless our life, heal our bodies, and supercharge our gifts, knowing and magnetism…

The Glowing Creature:  Bringing the Glow into the Rest of your Life

This session integrates everything we’ve learned in the course, allows us to move into even more refined alchemies, and clarifies how to move forward with your glow and embodied manifestation into the rest of your life…

How and where does this course take place?

This is an online course that will be available 24 hours a day…and though it is meant to be taken over six weeks, once this course is fully released you can move at your own pace and have access to this information for a lifetime!  Course content will be available on a members-only website via audio recordings, also available for download.

Why register right now?

Though you can register for this course at any time, signing up right now begins your journey of deeper connection to these magical practices, and begins to change each day of your life so beautifully from today forward… And since you can listen in your own right timing after registering, right now is a perfect time to start!…

Who is this course best for?

This course is amazing for people of all genders, sexual orientations, and ages.  It is equally fortifying and revolutionary for both those who are new to and those who are already very experienced with manifestation, energy practices, sacred sexuality, or on the self-healing journey.  There are always new levels to be reached, experienced and enjoyed, and wherever you are in life there will be new ways to blossom as never before with the material in this course…

You will receive as a part of this Course:

~ An introductory audio and 6 weekly sessions by audio recording, including the teaching for each week and a closing glow practice (75-90 minutes per session)

~ PDFs with optional weekly explorations and suggested exercises for the time between sessions

~ Two supplemental Q & A Recordings (60-90 minutes each)

~ A special bonus recording with the practices from the course

~ Access to this material indefinitely!

~ Recordings of each session can be downloaded and listened to on the device of your choice!

This is a 6-part course available around the world at the online Oracle School & Community.

Available Now!…

“Taking a course with Jennifer has been one of the greatest gifts I have given to myself…” Amy Auset Rohn, Thorntown, Indianamore testimonials…

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