The Ancient Sibyls

The ancient Sibyls were powerful Prophetesses and Sound Healers of the most profound and exquisite nature. Below you will find all of my writings and other content related to these amazing beings…

My online course with the most of their wisdom as well as their teachings on sound is the Intuitive Sound Healing Course…click here to read more or register!

Hope you enjoy!…


Message from the Sibyls

Many years ago I channeled an incredibly beautiful and powerful message from the Sibyls for a workshop I was about to teach about them in 2008, and I shared the message for a brief time and then felt deeply that I was meant to un-publish it to share at a later date.  16 years have gone by, and that time is now.  There is so much potency in this piece…it is like a living revelation about how walking our path is our service, and how our service is meant to be our joy.

Read it here…

The Ache to Be Real

An introduction to this amazing prophetesses and the gifts they brought to the world…how living between the worlds of magical creature and human, and how always living in alignment with their truths defined their exquisite presence on the earth…

Read it here…


Ancient Sibyls Quotes and Facts

Learn more about these incredible beings and read what was said about them historically to understand even more about their great beauty and power…

Read it here…


The Return of the Sibyls

This beautiful pieces speaks about what it means to walk between two worlds, as Sibyls did, and as we do now…

Read it here…




When You Speak Your Truth

This very special writing, while it does not mention the Sibyls directly, goes right to the heart of what they faced as beings who could only speak their truth, and the beauty and medicine of doing so…

Read it here…


Song of the Sibyls: Becoming a Sound Channel…

This is a very special video I found in my archives and uploaded…it’s is an old video, but it’s information is so very fresh and timeless…about the Sibyls and an earlier version of The Intuitive Sound Healing Course…whether or not you are interested in the course, the information about the Sibyls here is deeply captivating…may it awaken incredibly potent memories and forces in your beautiful, ancient heart…

To see the newer version of this course, click here!

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