The Ache to be Real

by | Sep 21, 2007 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

sibyl 3The Legacy of the Sibyls
Friday, September 21st, 2007

Once upon a time there were women who were almost human, but not quite so.

Their mothers were nymphs, and their fathers were human…they were not like everyone else. They could see things no one else saw, and hear things no one else heard. They could speak to nature as easily as you and I speak to one another. For this reason they gathered, and they gathered close to the lands of their Oracle-Mothers…close to the earth.

Because they could hear the voice of the mother earth, they began to speak her messages. These messages were prophetic in nature, and had the effect of drawing one closer to their own essence. And since they could hear Gaia so well, they also began to listen to her song…and sing it back to her. These Sibyls would live for sometimes hundreds of years, and live often deep in caves or at the mouths of springs. They were gloriously self-entertained.

A funny thing happened once they started to sing the song of the Divine Mother…they began to always speak the truth, and not to care what others thought. For this reason they did not share to please others, or to gather a certain result. They let the truth flow from them, and settle as it might. This is how they began to offer their prophecies by way of writing them on a series of leaves and placing them at the mouths of caves. If the person who had requested them did not come in time, the winds would scatter them. They usually spoke in enigmas to stimulate the use of one’s own heart as the guide. The quality of their answers depended on the value of the question being asked.

When someone did not understand them, they appeared fierce and dark, as did their prophecies…and when someone saw them with an innocent heart they appeared luminous and filled with utter grace. They did nothing to alter their appearance for others. They followed the voice within. They knew life would come and go. They knew people would think what they wanted anyway, as they always do…and they instead focused their compass on the divine. They had no need for praise or glory when they could sit in ecstasy for days on end as the vessel of the song of the Divine Mother, which ran through them like a sunbeam of bliss.

They lived until very few remembered, and the last women who carried the remaining bloodlines of the nymphs and the memory of all things were tucked away in temples to be visited only by kings and sovereigns and translated only by priests. They themselves grew weary, seen now as crazy old women who still followed a Goddess mostly forgotten, and held mysterious powers no one understood. But the leaves of the Sibyls still swirl through the air when the winds of change come, and their blood still runs, however minutely, in so many of our veins. We are these Prophetesses, these Oracles, these Ones Who Remember, regardless of our gender, and every time we give in to the ache to be real, we are saying yes to these ancient gifts, and welcoming the song of the Divine Mother back into our hearts.

As the leaves of change swirl about you this season, grab one every now and then, mid-flight, and remember the new world being born into the light of your great heart.



Learn more about the Sibyls and their power to heal with sound in Jennifer’s course, The Intuitive Sound Healing Course

Read more about the Sibyls here…


find more of jennifer here! 🙂


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